Smarter energy forecasting

Energy intelligence for better energy planning & operations

Make smarter and more timely energy management decisions with Karit. Get the energy intel you need to plan and optimise your energy flows and assets. Karit delivers dynamic data, backed by trusted artificial intelligence and advanced energy management capabilities for energy companies and large businesses.

Man touching virtual screen displaying energy intel

Optimise your renewable energy investments with Karit

Get the advanced technology, support and actionable insights you need to succeed. Karit uses machine learning for smarter energy forecasting, management, and optimisation in real-time.

Explore all Karit features

Learn more about Karit renewable energy forecasts

Meet the experienced team behind our forecasting models

Karit delivers accurate forecasts

Maximise your return on investments in renewables with Karit forecasting tools.

  • Gain economic benefits with precise renewable energy generation forecasts
  • Enhance the planning and operation of your solar PV systems
  • Access accurate generation predictions based on the world’s highest-resolution weather, ocean, environment, and climate data
  • Inform your organisation’s electricity planning and trading with Karit demand forecasts
  • Predict market peaks and improve your revenue potential with Karit market forecasts
  • Optimise your energy sources, loads and battery storage and achieve economic benefits with Karit optimisation forecasts

Optimise your energy program with Karit and gain economic advantages

Reduce Costs - Karit
Reduce costs
Manage Demand - Karit
Manage demand
Make money - Karit
Make money
Demonstrate your green credentials
Demonstrate your green credentials

Questions? We’re here to help.

To learn more about using Karit’s energy intelligence features for your business, contact us.

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