Energy market software

Respond to changing energy markets and demands in real time

Use real-time energy market software to manage demand and identify opportunities. Monitor, assess and interact directly with energy markets. Contribute to grid reliability, trade excess energy and generate income.

Unlock potential with Karit Virtual Power Plant

Large businesses and communities can extract greater value from distributed energy assets, like solar, wind and batteries, by grouping them together and managing them as one entity – forming a virtual power plant (VPP).

Our Karit VPP Platform enables you to aggregate and orchestrate distributed energy assets and energy flows. It’s simply more efficient and effective.

By managing energy assets as a single entity, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) licensed participants can also intelligently interact with energy markets and access revenue streams.

We support the following AEMO participant categories:

  • Demand response service provider
  • Financial responsible market participants
  • Embedded networks

What can you do with Karit’s advanced energy markets tools?

Use our intelligent energy markets tools to identify and assess opportunities, and participate in energy markets.

Realise the full potential of energy assets with energy markets tools

Contribute to grid reliability
Manage Demand - Karit
Manage demand
Trade Excess Energy - Karit
Trade excess energy
Make money - Karit
Generate income

Key Features

Manage wholesale and network demand response

With access to real-time data and energy markets you can quickly respond to market conditions and signals from the grid operator. Participate in demand response. Use data rich metrics to coordinate and control distributed energy resources within the wholesale energy market and distribution network. Identify the optimal time to reduce consumption or shift energy usage. Contribute to grid stability, efficiency and gain economic benefits.

Tariff management

Analyse and evaluate tariffs to streamline operations and improve cost-effectiveness. Enhance customer value through effective customer tariff management.

Dynamic energy storage management

Access critical insights and data to dynamically manage energy storage and adapt to changing demands quickly. Evaluate the financial performance of batteries. Easily model revenue streams for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). Identify wholesale arbitrage and Frequency Control Ancillary Services opportunities in the National Electricity Market (NEM).

Wholesale arbitrage

Trade electricity in the wholesale energy market and capitalise on price differentials. Identify these wholesale arbitrage opportunities using our tools. Gain a comprehensive overview of energy supply, demand, storage metrics, and market forecasts. Maximise revenue with strategically timed transactions.

Derive income from FCAS

Our VPP Platform makes it easy for AEMO licensed businesses with battery storage to participate in markets for the delivery of Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS). Use our VPP platform to group and orchestrate energy assets and energy flows in response to market signals. For example, increase electricity consumption, charge batteries or stop solar being sent to the grid. Contribute to grid stability and generate revenue.

Track your audit trail

Keep a thorough record of your audit trail control with our energy market tools. Ensure transparency and accountability in your operations.

Find out what our energy markets tools can do for your business

Our energy and technology experts are here to show you around and answer your questions.

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